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Elsie Allen High School - established 1994


  • Three teachers and one counselor are National Board Certified.

  • Teacher honors include the California League of High Schools Educator of the Year, the Regional Occupations Program Teacher of the Year, the Champions for Children K-12 Educator Award, and the Sonoma State University's Circle of Excellence Award.

  • Two teachers and two counselors are faculty members of Sonoma State University and Santa Rosa Junior College.

  • Our award-winning Teacher-to-Teacher Coaching and Professional Development programs are recognized as models throughout Santa Rosa City Schools.


  • A 2.7 million dollar grant was awarded to the Agriculture Department and Future Farmers of America program to install welding stations, automotive equipment, computer labs, and student-centered simulation spaces.
  • An ArtStart mural commemorating notable Latinos in Sonoma County resides in our Library.
  • The $3.5 million dollar athletic stadium, Elmer Brown Field, with artificial turf and all-weather track, is home to our winning LOBO football, soccer and rugby teams. 
  • A state of the art Performing Arts Center houses our ground-breaking music, theatre, and dance programs.
  • The laptop computer lab enables students to access Sonoma State University and online SRCS courses.
  • Interactive SMART board technology and enhanced audio capabilities throughout the campus ensure student engagement.
  • Fifty flags adorn our lobby, welcoming our community, and demonstrating honor and respect for our students’ varied nationalities.

Curriculum and Programs

  • The award-winning University Center at Elsie Allen High School guarantees admission to Sonoma State University and offers an annual savings of $10,000 in college tuition.

  • The Public Safety Career Pathway, recognized throughout Sonoma County, provides hands-on training for the following careers:police officer, firefighter, emergency medical technician, dispatcher, and community emergency response personnel.

  • The Metropolitan Opera in New York City offers our music students the opportunity to experience live opera performed simultaneously at the Metropolitan Opera House and at a local movie theater.

  • Standards-Based Grading is a holistic, student-centered approach to teaching and assessment, which reflects the latest in brain-based research.

  • Honors and Advanced Placement courses are offered in all subjects.

  • The Spanish for Spanish Speakers curriculum boosts fluency in students’ native language.

  • Our Agriculture Mechanics class provides experiential opportunities in automotive maintenance and repair.

  • The AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program prepares students for a college education with specialized study skills, assistance with the application process, and college tours.

  • Elective opportunities include classes in Agriculture, Arts and Communication, Public Safety, and Early Childhood Education.

Achievements and Awards

  • Original one-act plays developed through Elsie Allen’s playwriting program were selected by the American High School Theatre Festival to be performed at the 2011 Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland. 

  • The University Center at Elsie Allen High School is the recipient of the prestigious 2010 California School Boards Association Golden Bell Award.

  • Recent EAHS graduates attend prominent universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Dartmouth, McGill, Brown, and MIT.

  • The University Center boasts the only Presidential Scholar ever to come from a Sonoma County public school; he earned perfect scores in four portions of the SAT.

  • Other EAHS graduates have earned perfect scores in the Math Reasoning portion of the SAT and in the SAT’s Math Level II test.

  • Advanced Placement test scores rank above the national average.

  • Student artwork has been accepted into the National Council on the Education for Ceramics Art Exhibit.

  • The Arts Program has twice won the Congressional Art Competition.

  • The Drama Program has received a multitude of awards over the past several years for acting, directing, and overall performance, as well as the top award for playwriting at the annual Lenaea Festival.

  • The Agricultural Program consistently wins North Coast Region, State and National FFA Public Speaking Competitions.

  • Lobo Rugby Club has competed successfully in regional, state, national and international rugby tournaments. Select rugby players receive financial aid to attend four-year colleges and to attend the UC Berkeley rugby camp

  • Our incomparable Drum Line performs regularly for visiting dignitaries at businesses and community events.

  • The Madrigals and Vocal Ensemble vocal performance groups consistently earn unanimous “superior” awards and “excellent” standings at state and national competitions.

  • Lobo Unity students routinely donate thousands of community service hours, partnering with non-profits and culminating in the very successful Lobo CommUnity Fair.

  • The Elsie Allen Migrant Education Debate Team won the 2011 California state championship, defeating seventeen regional champions.

  • The Interact Club, sponsored by Santa Rosa Sunshine Rotary, has been voted best Interact Club in the North Coast five years in a row.

  • One student participated in the Kaiser Permanente Medical Program and was also featured in the Sonoma County Library Publication.

  • Many students have participated in the SSU Summer Search Program, embarking on adventures in Asia, South America and North America.

“At SSU I am currently taking Biological Anthropology and I am registered to take Introduction to Psychology next semester. These classes have allowed me to feel confident in a college environment and have allowed me to better grasp the college system itself. I am better prepared for college now because I am already able to pass a college course while still attending high school. If I was not a part of the UC@EA program I do not think I would be have been able to go straight to four-year college after graduating high school.” Student, Class of 2012

“EAHS is filled with kind and caring teachers and programs to help students of all abilities.  My niece is a senior and has been guided by the EAHS teachers while attending the Upward Bound program at Sonoma State. The many opportunities she has for both personal and educational growth are outstanding.  I have watched her turn into a well-educated and mature young lady because of her attendance at Elsie Allen.”  Family/School Partner for Student, Class of 2012